Bucket Filling Videos...

Monday, August 13, 2012
I found these videos on Denise's blog "Yearn to Learn."  I went to School Tube and copied the links to email out to the teachers at my school, so they could share them in their classrooms.  

I do a lot with Bucket Filling, so it was wonderful to find these adorable videos that I can show to my 4th graders.  I hope you can use them in your classrooms too.  Enjoy!

Here are the links:

Episode 2: 
"Like Episode 3":
 Episode 4:

"I like totally, like episode 3.  It is like the way coolest most grooviest video like ever!  =)  My 4th graders are going to love these videos, and it would be a great example for us to use to create our own Bucket Filling videos. 



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