My CA Cookie! |
Today was the best day with my 4th graders! We have been studying all about the regions of California, and the natural resources in those regions in Social Studies. Today my 4th graders got to frost a CA shaped sugar cookie showing the four regions as their edible quiz! =)
You can find cookie cutters, like I used, at Copper gifts. I made the cookies the night before, and bought some candies to add to represent landforms or natural resources found in those four regions.
Supplies for the different landforms/natural resources. |
I also made up a legend that they had to fill out about the four regions, which also helped them know what colors represented each region.
We drew a square after the picture of the candy, to represent each color of frosting, but I forgot to take a picture of that final step. |
It was so much fun today! I had so many kids want to help me set it all up and hand out the yummy goodies. Having 34 kids in a classroom can be a handful, but my 4th graders are Awesome! They gobbled the cookies up, and some even took their cookie home to show their parents.
Fish in the Pacific Ocean... =) |
Very organized candies... |
Messy, but delicious!!! |
I also liked all of the "Thank you Mrs. Finch" and "this was so much fun," comments from my students. It made me feel appreciated for cooking so many cookies last night. =)